Blitz Phoenix
Blitz Phoenix - Chapter 18, Page 13

Chapter 18, Page 13

Hey folks, I do want to take a moment to remind you all that I have a Patreon, that you can subscribe to that supports me and the comic.

I'm still looking for a new job right now and my savings are running down. The ads that I've put on the site do generate income, but if I'm completely 100% transparent, I've made maybe $10 for a month and a half of ads - and google won't let me withdraw anything until I've made $100. So I'm not even paying for groceries with that income right now.

Please consider signing up if you're able. If everyone who read the comic were able to give $2, I could afford rent. I know that's a perfect world scenario but I'm really trying to figure something out here.

I do also have comic chapters for sale on my Gumroad store, and I may be sharing other things coming up that I've been working on.

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well. Thanks everyone for reading and sharing the comic, and a huge thank you to those of you who've supported the comic monetarily in some way.

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