Blitz Phoenix


Purchase chapter PDFs to read offline or on your mobile devices!

All purchases are done through Gumroad, but these will link directly to the buy page for each item. Bundles are the best deals, but individual chapters are available if you only want one, or a bundle isn't available yet.

Gumroad Storefront. All prices are USD.


Chapter Bundles

$5 for a set of four chapters

Individual Chapters

$2-3 each depending on length

Chapters 1-4 - $5
Ch 1 - $2 Ch 2 - $2 Ch 3 - $2 Ch 4 - $3
Chapters 5-8 - $5
Ch 5 - $2 Ch 6 - $2 Ch 7 - $2 Ch 8 - $2
Chapters 9-12 - $5
Ch 9 - $2 Ch 10 - $2 Ch 11 - $2 Ch 12 - $2
