Blitz Phoenix
Blitz Phoenix - Chapter 21, Page 53

Chapter 21, Page 53

I meant to write something on the last update but I always forget things now when I go to post pages. Anyway, the holidays were very busy in general, but my grandmother also passed mid-December - so things have been a bit busier than usual. On top of that, I finally was almost over this cough I've had for two months, but now I'm down with a stupid cold.

So, we're back to updating, but it's going to be one page a week while I work on page sketches and get over this illness. New pages will be Wednesdays, not Mondays for the moment.

Also, I'm not really on twitter anymore, but I've been on mastodon for a while. You can follow my comics account over here if that's a thing you're into! (I have multiple mastodon accounts but I'm not accepting new follows on my locked accounts at this time, nothing personal.)

Hope you're all well, and happy new year.

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