Blitz Phoenix

Comment Policy

Rules For Posting Comments

  1. Comments must remain on-topic to the comic. Any links off the site must be relevant to the conversation.

    I won't say you're not allowed to post links to other webcomics, but posting with the intention to spam your own link is grounds for immediate ban. If you want to share a webcomic, please keep it on-topic; random recs, especially if they aren't for anyone in particular, are spam.
    If you want to recommend something to me personally, you can also email me. I can't promise to read everything.

  2. Posts that intentionally (or unintentionally) incite other users are not allowed. Such topics include: politics, strong/aggressive stances on religion, and sensitive social issues.

    Even if you think these relate to the comic in some way, just avoid posting this stuff.
    There are people with a variety of different views reading the comic, so I promise not everyone will agree with you. (And, do not assume I agree with you.) Please do not post your hot-topic stances as facts because you will start an argument and put me in the awkward position of having to moderate it. You are not going to save the world by arguing these topics on a webcomic site, so please spare me this.
    In the event that I do not delete a comment of this nature, do not assume 1) I endorse the comment, 2) you are allowed to start an argument with the person. You may contact me if you feel it should be removed. Comments of these kinds may be allowed on the site if they are neutral - or maybe I misread it after waking up at 6 AM and thought it was fine in my tired haze. Lots of reasons it might be there.
    For more related information, see the Reporting Inappropriate Content and Disclaimer sections below.

  3. Be civil and polite to other commenters.

    In general, if you have a problem with something another user has posted and think it needs my attention, you can flag the comment through Disqus's system, or send an email to me privately. (For more info, check the Reporting Inappropriate Content section.)
    I've seen some readers get really excited about an theory they've come up with, to the point where they're rude to people who don't agree with them. Discussing the comic plot is fine, but please do not be aggressive toward others.
    Additionally, while this isn't a stiff rule: please keep your tone in mind when you reply to other posters. I know tone with text is hard, but try to think of how you'd feel if you got a reply with what you're about to send. If it makes you mad, or you think it could be misunderstood, revise it.
    Also not a rule, but... If you're posting a super serious reply to a joke comment, you're going to get odd looks and potentially make the OP uncomfortable. Think twice about whether or not your comment makes sense, and consider whether or not it would be better as its own thread (rather than as a reply).

  4. Do NOT go back in the archive and post spoilers on old pages, as this can ruin the story for someone reading through for the first time.

    No one has done this here so far, but I've had people spoil comics I was reading in the past this way. :'(

  5. Posting any spoiler content or information you may have is strictly not allowed.

    This is mostly for Patreon readers who have access to early pages and designs.

  6. If I ask you to delete your comment, please do so.

    Asking you to delete a comment is just a courtesy - obviously, as a moderator, I'm able to do that myself. It's more productive for both of us if you understand why I want it gone.
    I won't be mad if you mistakenly break one of these rules, but will be if you repeat the behavior or argue back.

If you need to contact me regarding these rules, I have a few methods listed on the bottom of my About page.


Blitz Phoenix uses a whitelist system for comments. Users who are whitelisted have their comments show immediately, while all other users must have their comments approved by a mod. Not being on the whitelist doesn't mean you can't post - just your comments must be approved before they go public, and may be quietly deleted if decided they are not appropriate.

Failure to follow the above rules will result in being removed from the whitelist, if you're on it. If this happens, good behavior can get you back onto the whitelist.

Continuing to disregard the rules once you've been removed from (or never placed on) the whitelist will get you blocklisted, which does mean you can't post anymore. (This is very extreme, I'm usually willing to work with people before we hit this point.)

Reporting Inappropriate Content

If you see a post that you think violates these rules, it's not your job to tell the poster so or to start an argument with them. Disqus has features to report comments to me, either for being in violation of the rules or for being spam. You can access this via the arrow on the right-hand side of any comment.

Reporting a comment reports it to a site moderator (me), and then I can choose to take action on it. Please note that if I disagree that the comment violates the rules, I don't have to do anything about it - and I'm not obligated to explain my reasoning to you.


This story is for entertainment purposes only, and doesn't have any "agendas." Social problems may be implied to help flesh the world out, but these are not the scope of the comic and will not be "solved" by the characters.

Individual characters may have their own views that do or do not align with the author's, but no characters are written to push specific views. If you have a problem with how something is presented in the comic with regards to this, please email me privately and we can discuss it civilly. Posting this to the comments is a quick way to piss me off and either get a nasty reply or a permanent block. Please note that I'm not obligated to change the comic to fit your personal views.

I do not stop people at the door based on their views, but I do ask that you please leave this baggage there so anyone who wants to enjoy the comic can do so.


Blitz Phoenix is done solely by Emily Brackhan (me). That means I write it, I letter it, I sketch it, I ink it, I color it. Each page takes an average of eight (8) hours to draw completely, and that's not counting any of the work that goes into writing, pre-writing, website maintenance, character designs, etc.

So please understand, when you come at me demanding a page should be done differently, I get irritated and/or angry.

If you have suggestions for the comic, please keep in mind that your view is exactly that - a suggestion. I'm not obligated to change the comic in any way, even if you are a patron. Not saying you can't bring up concerns, just be mindful of how you present yourself, and understand I may not go with your idea at all.

The comic is outlined, so as far as the story goes, there is a plan. I am very careful with dialogue and what I'm allowing the plot to reveal, so if something seems odd (in a way that isn't a typo), screaming "plot hole" or "mistake" is a bad direction to go.

While the artwork is, and probably always will be, evolving, I typically find artistic criticism is mostly people injecting what they like and insisting that should mean something to me - then ignoring what I'm actually trying to achieve with my art style. The style I use is a combination of what I enjoy, plus what I'm able to produce consistently for 1-2 updates a week. Could it be better? Sure. Will it be better? - only if the changes don't add onto my workload, and I enjoy it.

Also... I have a special appreciation for people who send me private notes about typos, rather than posting them in the comments. :)