Blitz Phoenix
Blitz Phoenix - Chapter 15, Page 16

Chapter 15, Page 16

Hey! I have a few things to say today.

First, it's my birthday! That's neat.

Second, I've taken the time to write up new rules for the comments. If you want to participate in the discussion here, please read over them (I wrote a lot, so... find a good time for it).

On occasion, people decide to use the comment box here as their personal soap box, or think it's fine to be generally aggressive or rude to other commenters. This has been causing a great deal of stress for me and generally making comments not enjoyable. I wanted to find a time that was generally calm to post these, because I don't want anyone thinking these are the result of any one specific person or incident - I want the comments to be a pleasant place to discuss the comic for anyone who reads it. If you're using the comments for anything else here, that's not cool.

I mostly just took the standards I already moderate by and wrote them out. Some of these I've directly posted before, so hopefully none of this is too shocking, and I tried to give some reasoning in places where I think there might be confusion (or disagreement for the need of a rule).

So! Please take some time to look them over. These will be linked above the Disqus box on every page, so they'll be easy to access in the future.

Third - there's only going to be one update this week. Sort of because it's my birthday today, and sort of because I need to catch up on things. Sorry! (Patreon will still get an update on Wednesday this week, since I'm behind there.)

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